The secret of cat eyes!

In cats, the term "pupil changes" refers to changes in the size and shape of the pupils, which are the black centers of the eyes that control the amount of light entering the eye. Pupil changes in cats can indicate various health or emotional conditions. Common pupil changes in cats include dilation (enlargement) and constriction (narrowing) of the pupils.

Dilated pupils in cats can be a normal reaction to low light conditions, excitement, or excitement. However, persistent or abnormally dilated pupils may be a sign of vision problems, neurological problems, or poisoning.

Constriction of the pupils in cats can also be a normal reaction to bright light or relaxation. However, persistent or abnormally constricted pupils may indicate problems such as eye injury, glaucoma, or systemic disease.

If you notice significant or persistent changes in your cat's pupils, it is important to contact your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health problems.
